When the Adobe Uninstaller doesn’t seem to work:
In Finder, go to: Mac HD/Library/Internet Plugins
Verify that the Flash Player.plugin and flashplayer.xpt files are not present. If it they are, trash them.
When the Adobe Uninstaller doesn’t seem to work:
In Finder, go to: Mac HD/Library/Internet Plugins
Verify that the Flash Player.plugin and flashplayer.xpt files are not present. If it they are, trash them.
Welcome to another edition of #JustWorks, a series of blog posts on all of the customizations you need to make to MacOS to get around Apple's one-size-fits-all mentality.
If you've ever fired off a long-running program in terminal and locked your screen to go get a coffee with the hopes that the job would be done when you're back an hour later, you may have noticed that things take longer to run when your screen is locked or terminal is in the background.
MacOS did this for you! It did it to save power! And for whatever reason, it doesn't seem to care that you're plugged into the mains.
Here's how to disable something called AppNap for terminal. You're going to need to open a Terminal and paste this bit:
defaults write com.apple.Terminal NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES
Then close all of your Terminals and restart it. You can verify the state of AppNap for Terminal on the Energy panel of Activity Monitor.
I'm not a fan of the hot corner method of locking screen so here are 2 other ways to achieve screen lockage on MacOS / OSX:
Then you can lock screen by clicking the padlock on the Menu Bar and selecting "Lock Screen":
First we have to bind an applescript to a service that starts the screensaver:
Doubleclick "Run Applescript" to add it to the service.
Next we bind a key to the new service.
keyboard: navigating through to "Lock Screen" service.
OSX tip: Create a folder on your desktop called “Screenshots”, then use this method to change the default screen shot folder to the one you just added.
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location $HOME/Desktop/Screenshots; killall SystemUIServer
For anyone struggling with the way the HOME and END keys on your windows keyboard works on OSX. This will help a lot.
Add these contents to ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict
and restart your program.
(via StackExchange)